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Fruit Punch served at Morris's pot luck

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:03 pm
by Morris Kafka
Hi All!

There were a few requests for the fruit punch recipe. It is derived from the good old Fannie Farmer Cookbook (yes she was a real person and very concerned with ensuring people had healthy, fresh, well prepared food and with nutrition - a leader in her day in this field).

Disolve 1 cup sweetner (honey is good) into 1 quart, strong hot tea. I used decaffienated black tea - herbal infusions such as peppermint can also work well. Allow tea to cool.

Just before serving place into punch bowl the following items, well chilled:
1 quart orange juice
1 cup lemon juice
1 quart ginger ale

Slowly stir in the sweetened tea. Add fresh mint for a garnish if desired.

To avoid diluting punch instead of ice cubes use frozen fruit juices or tea. I froze a ring of Knudsen Grape Juice in a fancy gelatin mold and used it to cool the punch. As the frozen juices melt they subtlely change the flavor over the course of the party, which I find enjoyable. You can also refresh the punch with additional juice or seltzer or ginger ale during the event and adjust the sweetness by adding plain ice as needed.

Incidentally the pumpkin pie was created with organically home grown pumpkin using Fannie Farmer's recipe book as well. I substituted soy for the evaporated milk. By using egg replacer a vegan pie can be made and this works well enough that most guests can't tell the difference! I can post this recipe too if people are interested in it.

Re: Fruit Punch served at Morris's pot luck

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:46 pm
by John Leary
Morris wrote:By using egg replacer a vegan pie can be made and this works well enough that most guests can't tell the difference! I can post this recipe too if people are interested in it.

Pie!!! Yes!!! :D

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 9:35 pm
by marasunshine
hey morris,
thanks so much for your recipes! i sent them to my sister and she is gonna make them into beautiful pages to be added to our in-store cookbook.
can't wait to try them myself!